Stop with the gimmicks before the show is ruined.
3 August 2023
I really tried to like this episode. I tried to keep an open mind about it, but the inclusion of the songs was so jarring to the idea that this is a serious dramatic show that I just gave up. Just what were the producers thinking when they OK'd this nonsense?

This should have been a pivotal episode for the season. The episode has a ton of character development and plot reveals that came made the episode inherently interesting, that is, until a song came alone to blow out of the water any sort of idea that this is a serious show. It was embarrassing watching the show try to fit these in without looking too stupid.

Another issue is that the producers flat-out copied the central concept from the famous Buffy the Vampire musical episode. In that, a mysterious force makes people break out in song and forces them to reveal inner truths. Same here.

Having songs that conveyed the plot worked really well in Buffy because it was a fantasy show and had a tradition of having campy episodes occasionally. Plus at that time the musical episode was unique.

Now every show seems to want a musical episode and will get it no matter how much it strains credibility. Star Trek always does not need ridiculous gimmicks like this.

When I think of great Episode 8 (and all of the discussion it caused and how it dealt with really weighty ideas) being sandwiched between the abysmal Episode 7 crossover and this musical nonsense it makes me lose faith in where this series is going. It's a great show that does NOT NEED to waste episodes on mindless fan service or gimmicks-of-the-week.

So SNW producers, just stop it. Give us thoughtful space drama with good characters and solid stories and we'll stay on board the show. It's that simple.
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