A Lifelong Love (2023 TV Movie)
Oil and Water
2 August 2023
The premise is another quest story. The four main characters are seeking a lost love of Abe, Annika's grandpa.

Annika is annoying. She is just an over-planner, but she is kind of neurotic. Despite being a planner, she is also irresponsible. "Oh, it will be OK." Ryan is almost as bad to the other extreme. He has no plan for anything.

Ellie is fun but not enough to save the movie.

There is some banter between Andrea Brooks and Patch May but I don't think it translates into chemistry. There is a bit too much of an edge in the banter and the personalities of Annika and Ryan are like oil and water.

Annika is a poetry writer. She and Ryan tell all the prospects they meet that they are writing a book about love stories. Putting a love story into prose is one thing, but I don't understand how you do it in poetry, at least not with way too much work for a two week project. Ryan is set as a partner to Annika, but his contribution appears to consist solely of snapshots of the people they meet - no artistry at all. The whole development of the quest for Ruth is weird and doesn't really make sense.
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