Review of Sir

Sir (I) (2018)
A wonderful movie that will stay with you.
1 August 2023
Sir is a quiet, lovely movie that asks the question "Is love enough?" And it does not answer that question. The viewer is left with possibilities and of course the answer depends on the viewer's life, values and experiences.

Sir is the story of a love that grows between a maid servant from a small village in India and her wealthy, well-connected architect employee. The story opens with his return from the US after a broken engagement. From there we see them interact primarily in his apartment, where she has a small bedroom. A few scenes at social engagements show the rigidity of the social structure that traps them both. Their brief conversations tell us about her very humble origins, her strong spirit, drive and ambitions.

The movie is like a beautiful sketch; drawn with care and precision, no wasted brush strokes. This movie reminded me of The Lunchbox, another wonderful movie about a growing love between two ill-matched people. It stars Tillatoma Shome and Vivek Gomber. Shome was also in another wonderful movie Monsoon Wedding and she shines here.

I wish I'd seen in the theater (where all movies should be seen 😊) but it is currently streaming on Netflix and is well worth your time.
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