Good story but too much faked drama
31 July 2023
First, I am an animal lover. I have owned dogs from childhood to being a senior citizen. And while I am not a cat lover, I did foster a neighbor's cat when he was incapacitated and unable to care for his orange tabby. Second, I am a vegetarian. I do not eat meat. Third, I do not believe in hunting for sport. I don't even like catch and release fishing. All that being said, I have a soft spot in my heart for all creatures, big and small.

I viewed Pig Little Lies on PBS Passport and my thoughts are that it was a bit heavy-handed and over the top with melodrama. It was good to see a positive resolution for the animals involved, but I started to question the presentation when these words flashed across the screen:

"Tensions are rising. Preparations are underway," and "It's time for Dante to face Beatrice." Really? That was a bit much.

A friend who watched with me said they were trying too hard to anthropomorphize these animals and engender human attributes to them. He said it sounded like dialogue from an episode of some reality show. I'm pretty sure those same lines could be used on The Bachelor, Survivor, Real Housewives, etc.

It is easy enough to deliver your point across to viewers about accepting the gift of coyote rollers without all the faked drama. This story could have been told without all the histrionics.
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