Good Omens: Chapter 6: Every Day (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
A lackluster second season almost redeemed by its ending
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why there needed to be a second season of Good Omens. Other than its popular demand and the need for fanfic ships to become canon.

The pacing was all over the place. It's premise is incredibly weak and just not as entertaining or funny as the first one. I've said this numerous times before, but a character having amnesia is always a weak plot point no matter how you spin it.

The dialogue was also not up to par with what first season offered.

Sheen and Tennant are absolutely brilliant in their roles, and their enthusiasm for the parts is what kept me watching.

Now let's talk about THAT ending (Spoilers obviously)

The revelation about the secret romance between Beelzebub and Gabriel was a little too forced and out of the blue (hence the weakness of the amnesia plot).

Because this couple decide to leave heaven and hell and go off in the sunset together, there are vacancies in their jobs. And Aziraphale is offered the top job as Archangel. This is where Crowley finally confesses his love for Azi (they even kiss at one point!) But Aziraphale believes he can make changes within heaven in his command and choses to go back to heaven, leaving Crowley heartbroken.

This is probably the most powerful scene. As it showcases someone choosing an institution that they both know will be toxic for the human race, and the other wanting what the other couple did, which is to rid themselves of both heaven and hell, and have a life together on earth.

If only the rest of the second series was this interesting and poignant.
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