The English (2022)
Noble and compelling but flawed effort
31 July 2023
Emily Blunt is magnificent and she carries this show, adding sense and grace to a series that has a bit too much nonsense dialogue (shades of Deadwood?) and disgraceful white males who are at times cartoonish in their villainous bigotry and psychopathy. Chaske Spencer also cuts a fine hero as the noble Pawnee who is astride two worlds having served in the US Army and bystander to some of their atrocities.

There were a number of parallels to 'Godless' which I rated a 10 such as the romantic duo that are thrust together on a Western adventure fighting injustice, and the heroine's skill with horses and weaponry. Unfortunately there were a few drawbacks to this one as well, starting with the aforementioned dialogue that got a bit too poetic for my taste, and the seemingly endless supply of Snidely Whiplash types without an ounce of empathy for natives that just seemed a bit over the top in the effort to drive home the race relations point.

Beyond that there were some truly awful uses of green screen that seemed terribly out of place when so much of it was shot with beautiful on-location vistas (shot in Spain, but you'd never know it wasn't the American West). There were a lot of characters that came and went that got to be confusing at times, and one in particular that seemed crucial to the story that died off-screen with a very random explanation that made it seem like they left his real ending on the cutting room floor.

The plot twist reveal in the final episode was certainly a surprise yet earned through some clues along the way, but also felt like it really changed the type of story being told and required a bunch of audience exposition that seemed out of place that late in the game.

Even with all that it was a compelling show that I enjoyed watching for the most part so I gave it a 7. It seems most reviewers thought more highly of it than I did which I respect. They can make another Western with Emily Blunt anytime and I will surely watch it.
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