The Sixth Commandment: Episode #1.2 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
The quality continues into the second episode.
30 July 2023
Having moved on from Peter, Ben turns his attentions to Peter's neighbour Ann Moore-Martin, as was the case with Peter, Ann's health takes a turn for the worse.

I thought the first episode was excellent, I think this second is just as good, it's another harrowing, shocking watch, detailing exactly how Ben Field did what he did.

Ben's crimes were just shocking, it's hard to believe that he got away with what he did. Alarm bells just have been ringing loudly in certain quarters. Hard to fathom how on Earth Ben did what he did, he must be devoid of conscience.

I know in this day and age, that age is irrelevant, but there are predatory people out there like Ben, it's naive to think otherwise.

It's staggering the likeness of Hardwicke and the real life Ben Field.

The absolute brilliance of Anne Reid shines (when doesn't it,) what an amazing actress, she makes Anne's relationship with Ben seem so believable, she truly made it seem as though she was in love with the young Ben.

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