30 July 2023
I did enjoy this movie but need to mention what could be considered plotholes,clichés or just bad in general.

Will start with the general message this movie sends,if you only care about yourself you will disappear.. Now in general that would be a great message but considering she was a adolescent,when her mom died and still was learning who she was & all those years needing to be self-sufficient & so forth.. Give me a break!

Also during the dinner scene with mom,it seemed Holly was always overlooked.. Thank goodness for mom,actually.

The older sister & brother didn't seem to acknowledge the mom either,because we don't see any real scenes of them trying to connect & mom only favoring Holly.

Also once she disappears how can all her memories fade by her family,wasn't like she died or went back in time.

There was a scene where her sister being basically narcissistic like in her teens after her pregnancy got revealed to her guy,saying she always felt basically overlooked because she wasn't a favorite child & so forth.. Well,it didn't seem like her brother she was talking about.

Again.. what a huge load of guilty burden to make Holly feel,again she was a kid.

Than we go through the struggles with the other family members,where again she's made to feel burden for not understanding what her dad was dealing with.

Remember during all these self-descoveries made,not once does any family or friends ever mention her.. which would be logical,if not for the last scene where after she appears & goes to see dad the way he responded-I have other theories regarding that,but can we say plotholes in logic.

Speaking of logic- how did she rent an apartment or cash checks and so forth,not everything in life can be done without human contact.. Let's also ponder was her clothes or cell phone,invisible or just overlooked as they moved about? Lol.

Aren't pets good at picking up things humans can't see? Like with Shaynes dog,unless it was because she wasn't dead.

It is worth seeing,if you don't actually over think it.

Maybe she went through it all to help and find her love she was destined with Shayne but rather sad considering all she missed prior to him only seeing her after years of loneliness.

A reviewer mentioned why didn't she do good,with being invisible? Like stopping terrorism,um.. She was a kid & was able to be hurt,not like she became a superhero as a young adult.

Was cast & acted decent with good cinematography.
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