Horrifying theme, not so good execution.
28 July 2023
The story and the theme of this movie was solely enough to make it a masterpiece. Truly devilish and scary premise, just knowing this could really be the world we live in is on its own terrifying.

Unfortunately, the execution leaves me wanting for so much more that could've been there instead. It could've been so much better.

I feel like all of it could've just been made differently, less pretentious and more true, less superficial, more blunt, as it should be, considering the theme.

The evil, for example, is portrayed to be undefeatable, yet then we get the ending, and then it kind of crashes the whole initial plot.

Maika is so beautiful, Nikolaj fits great and he is really certainly the best actor in this movie, yet it is not good enough. Characters are just too superficial and undeveloped. Some are eye-catching, but they do lack any build up to them.

All the evil guys, they play crazy quite nice, but this is not how the real evil looks like, is it?! Moreover, there is no uniqueness to them, they are just a bunch of evil guys and that is where the movie leaves it.

All those dialogues feel like they're coming from some anime. They are cool if you look onto them from a certain perspective, but then if you look realistically, artistically, they were just too much and put in the wrong places.

Same with the visuals, the quiet and sad, all among the evil, yet it all doesn't stand out, doesn't support the feel that all of this supposed to give you initially.

The quiet romantical part is sweet, and it is heartwarming, but it's hardly fitting the overall narrative in a way that it has played out.

I just feel like whoever actually made this movie, did a bad job at their job, poor overall decisions were made. It's like this movie is filled with these great cards, but they truly were played bad.

I felt the idea of this movie, the theme is horrifying, yet it lacks in many other parts, unfortunately. I give it 8/10, but it's mostly due to the theme.
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