Your Family or Your Life (2019 TV Movie)
Stellar cast and score!
27 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This thoroughly enjoyable cinematic feast is enhanced greatly by a stellar cast at the very top of their game and a haunting score written by the excellent Steve Yeaman.

Without giving too much away for fear of spoiling your viewing enjoyment, a guy finds out about a banking fraud. He is shot dead and his wife tries to prove he didn't commit suicide. Her (and her daughter's) life are put in danger and much murderous mayhem ensues throughout. The scene where Jennie finds about her husband's death is particularly poignant and certainly tugs at the heart strings. There are several villainous characters but the most memorable is Erica Hearns (played by the outstanding Angelica Bridges.) She steals every scene and it is plainly obvious to the viewer that Ms Bridges puts her heart and soul into the role.

It is a pity that Hunter Jones had such a small part as The Paramedic but it is hoped that an actor with such natural talent will no doubt be offered more rewarding roles in the future.

The rollicking score only heightens the tension throughout the film and enhances the viewer's delectation.

Ultimately, this magical movie acts as a cautionary tale to married men not to snoop into the fraudulent activities of bankers and to young ladies everywhere, not to date the nephews of fraudulent bankers who know some very dodgy characters who are handy with a gun.

Thoroughly recommended.
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