Banshee: You Can't Hide from the Dead (2015)
Season 3, Episode 7
Completely ridiculous
26 July 2023
I really don't know how an episode like this one has a 8.9 rating it has no logic awful camera work and really stupid acting And I I would like to point to the really poor character that they made of the mayor who has no personality and zero self-respect, and a very, very bad parenting skills I mean first you find out that your wife has been lying to you for the past 15 years about who she is and what she used to do and also being the daughter of a mob boss, then she cheats on you and she just keeps lying and treating you and her daughter and son really bad so instead of dumping her and taking the kids away from such a toxic criminal, he still hits on her and wants to be with her(and that's really crazy.) And there is the daughter that no one ever raises or tells that stealing, doing drugs and Going to shady places with total strangers, sometimes criminals drug dealers is wrong they just go pick her up from whatever problem she puts herself in drive her home and that's it. What kind of parents are they I mean I know that the mother and the biological father are thiefs and a killers so I could understand that theyare a terrible parents, but the father, I mean you're the mayor for god sake's it's just not logical that he does not even talk to his daughter and trying to correct her attitude or in other words, being a good parent.

It's just a good hitting and shooting series it has no real plot really poor character development and just many voids in the story , really mediocre series at best.
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