Wasted potential.
26 July 2023
This could have been great, I think. It just doesn't go there. It all stays on the surface and the main characters are played by mediocre actors.

Many of the themes are recognizable, and makes me think of films like Saw, Hunger Games and You're Next, among others.

It's an interesting experiment but what should be explained isn't and what should remain a mystery is explained too much. Combine all that with poor acting and it just doesn't become very believable, and doesn't affect you the way it was intended.

I don't know if this is considered a low budget indie film - but if it is then it's a very good attempt. The funny thing is that if this is "Hollywood", it's pretty awful and if it's someone's pet dream-project then I'm impressed. It's watchable for sure - but just doesn't go where it should.
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