Gilligan's Island: Love Me, Love My Skipper (1966)
Season 2, Episode 20
23 July 2023
Herbert Finn wrote this episode, long a writer for Jackie Gleason, and HOW SWEET IT IS.

A holiday episode, along with the background song, "We Wish a Merry Christmas..." Trouble looms -- the skipper thinks he's been snubbed, not being invited to Mr. And Mrs. Howell's annual party of parties. The invite got lost, by goofy accident. The rest of the crew decides to snub the Howells when the word gets out.

I agree with the last reviewer; the Skipper should have just cut to the chase and ask why he wasn't invited. But then again, it would have affected the BIG PARTAY.

Comes the famous masquerade bash --honoring the Skipper! Note; the crazy costumes are the star attraction. Only question; where did all the fancy threads come from? This episode could have also doubled for a Halloween story too. Best of the best is Gilligan playing Tarzan. Must See TV. Number Two spot is taken by the skipper as a pirate, followed by Mr. Howell dressed as a little rich kid with suit, tie and short shorts? Howell's costume idea may been inspired by Joe Besser's outrageous characters on the Abbott & Costello Show. You have to admit, the writers did borrow schtick from A & C at times, especially when it came to wacky guests.

The cast is having a blast. It shows. Best compared to the famous dream episodes, only this time there's no dream.

Sit back and enjoy, especially for XMas, and 10 Stars to the creator of the costumes. Why we love this show.

SEASON 2 EPISODE 20 restored color CBS dvd box set. Released 2005/3 dvds. Re-released 2012/ 6 dvd set. Classic green cover box.
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