Living in Clownworld
23 July 2023
Although no one can escape living in Clownworld anymore, whether it be a lobby saying we can still do something to curb the disruptions to the climate systems, the denial of the vast indirect evidence of way too advanced technologies being detected since the late 40's, to the post-modernist take on a term that doesn't even exist outside the realm of linguistics, namely 'gender', the documentary at hand heroically takes on the latter. And it does so extremely well.

The cult of gender ideology successfully merged general stupidity, gullibility and complacency since the early 70's.

Today, at least in the westerns world our educational systems are peddling total nonsense creating self fulfilling pockets of utter derangement from an early age up.

The results of this derangement is well covered in Walsch' excellent film/documentary 'What is a Woman'. It lays bare how a cult could operate on a scale that is hard to fathom. It does so with a relevant poignancy and the obvious humor that comes along with exploring the question, at least to those who haven't been sucked in into the narrative.

The film is excellently filmed, edited and directed, maintaining a perfect balance between showcasing the idiocy/tragedy involved and the humor that can't be denied is surrounding this topic, to those who can still think for themselves.

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