Review of The Bride

The Bride (I) (2013)
Not bad for the budget
22 July 2023
Some couple made up as usual these days of a pathetic guy and a girl in charge go out to spend some time in a cabin the woods. They plan to get marries so the girl puts on a bride dress. Guy disappears. When she finds him, there's 4 bad guys who threaten him. She doesn't give in easily so her guy is shot. She defends herself, manages to escape, and injure some of the bad guys. They catch up with her eventually, serially rape her, kill her and bury her.

The bad guy boss shows up at some point and the goofs have some make up some ridiculous story. He sends them to look for her.

At some point the bride is possessed by some native Indian bride's spirit who underwent a similar fate centuries ago. So no she's revived and looking for revenge and some items as well.

The Bride is ultra low budget. Despite that they managed to give us some nudity and some gore. The movie is short but it feels long since for a good chunk nothing is going on.

I give it 3 stars, for the nudity, the acting of the actors portraying the bad guys, and the script during the final act that actually gets kind of funny.
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