Review of Sarah

Gunsmoke: Sarah (1972)
Season 18, Episode 6
Response to nj-889
17 July 2023
"One man riding in alone to fight five outlaws makes no sense" ...of course not unless the man is Matt Dillion :)

I always find it interesting how we as viewers can interpret certain aspects of the story differently. Sometimes it completely change which decisions the characters make seem logical and what doesn't.

For example, what user nj-889 said about Poppy's gang letting Sarah ride out to warn Matt being unrealistic actually made perfect sense from my perspective. Being a lawman Poppy fully intended on Matt to come back whether he knew he was found out or not (which is why he bet Sonny the $5 and was so relaxed about it) so he wasn't really risking anything by letting her go right? By that point Deering and his boys had already rode out and obviously no Dakota meaning the robbery was a bust. There was no reason to kill Sarah. She said herself they knew she wouldn't go to any other law, and Matt couldn't either as he had nothing to charge against them and probably figured the only way was to shoot it out. Plus whatever they did to Sarah still they were rather fond of her so I don't think they'd wanna kill her if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

Well anyway that's my theory I could be wrong tho and the other reviewer could be right. I just wanted to give a different angle because I notice alot of times a user (including me) will rate low or take points off and when you read their reasoning it's usually from things the person missed in the story or misinterpreted, not flaws in writing.
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