You certainly brought down the house
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The second review of the road trip episodes! Aaaaaand... nothing's changed for the most part, these episodes are both bad. Like I wasn't expecting it at this point though. One thing I can say is these episodes both have moments that somewhat save them. Coincidentally, both are near the end of the episodes! It's kind of hard to say that about a modern episode, but here I am.

Bringing Down the House was very boring for the most part. The tour guide dude really annoyed me, I hate those types of people who are just like "you look a certain type of way? Alright, you can't do this. This. Or this". Honestly, he just seemed like the type to watch animals doing 'it', he was making bulldog noises and everything. In general, he weirded me out for a one-time villain. Not in the way that Joyce did, but jesus.

This episode, just like Bizarritorium, also feels a little misleading. The stuff about all the kids going into the different rooms is barely in the episode. It's literally just "a room I wanna go to but can't" and "don't worry, we got your back" repeated 3 times in the episode, these segments of the kids in the presidential rooms last for about 30 seconds to a minute if I remember correctly.

I don't even know what to say about the kids all cleaning the rooms up... Rita's little gun thingy (I forgot the name) was cool I guess.

But, as I said before, this episode has a redeeming quality. I like the ending of this episode. I'm a huge fan of heist plots, and this rebel break-in to the security was so cool! I really liked how it looked and the fact that they all fit in the vent.

Well, that is before The Bulldog showed up... he kinda ruined it. Also, he predictably gets denied to the President's birthday all because the kids "cleaned up". You gotta diss your own security like that?! I mean, unless it's this dude... this man is weird.


So uhhhh, my cousin told me she rated this episode a 1/10. Now, my cousin's a huge LH fan, so hearing this was quite shocking, however, this episode was a bit better than she made it out to be. However, that's not saying much.

I was disappointed just seeing the premise for the first time. And yeah, this episode does absolutely nothing for me (except for that ending bit). Is this episode total garbage? Yes. Am I insane? Also yes.

This episode is pretty much the same as the format as the previous episode. "We are so bored of hiking so we try to get out of it." Just replace hiking with "this tour" and boom, that's the main plot of Bringing Down the House. When the mountain goats come in is where I started to lose all faith in this episode.

The kids fake being a goat first (which the parents somehow don't notice...??), only for real goats to show up and screw them up. Then they get lost and have to get out.

When they get lost and find their way out is the only good part of the episode. Yeah, it rips off Roughin' In, but I am also a fan of high speed adventure type scenes. In short, I just liked it, ok?

There's little to take from both of these episodes, you could honestly skip them and nothing different would have been done. The only real bits of development for anyone are Luan and Lola (which happen to have the best episodes of this arc.

3/10. The scores average to... well, a 3/10?
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