A true review..
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're assuming it's a Birdbox remake,just done in another country.. Wrong!

This version just wasn't as good,felt like they tried to make it artsy or more complicated in the plot.

Ghost daughter making her father become less than innocent after she died & so forth,became just a bit ludacris.

Parts did have promise,but got ruined throughout with subpar standards.

Also why does anything ominous need to be in a post-apocalyptic environment,it's been overdone.. The other movie was refreshing,in that regard too.

Never seen to my knowledge any of the actors,also the acting was average.

Cinematography was decent,but darker in tones giving it overall a low-quality feel.

Had clichés & plotholes yet again overshadowed,in some of the storyline or movie direction.

They could of connected the USA version with some clips that coincided with this one,where more insight was given(why it started)or how this event finally ends. If you go by what happens,it was killing the insane prophet? So it was just religion based,end of story? Unlikely,lol.

What next.. Another country with some new info before a true conclusion,please don't drag this on.

Should you watch this? Sure if you like the story premise,actors or are bored.

Otherwise.. Watch the other version!
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