Ran out of ideas
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first half is good.

The girl is pretty, the dude is funny, the other girl acts well, ... Once you accept the premise of the movie, that the girl can't die and neither can you while you are in contact with her, it makes sense.

The second half is where it loses it all.

Seems like they had no ideas as to where they wanted to go or how to arrive there, and just threw in whatever the first proposal for it anybody made was.

It stops being funny, it's not torture porn at all as another review said, the caricature characters serve no purpose, ... even the time jump in the storytelling are pointless (and not very well paced).

Quite a shame. It could've been good.

Watch the first half. And as soon as you see it derail, don't expect it to pick up at all; just leave.
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