Blair Witch (2016)
Terrible sequel to a terrible movie.
12 July 2023
This movie I find to be just a bad as the original. After watching them back to back I actually feel a little more annoyed as a viewer. This is because (especially with the original) I really believe I'm trying to like these movies, but I simply cannot as they're terrible.

Anyway onto this movie specifically. I must mention this movie is less boring than the original. But it seemed to replace the boring nature of the first movie with annoyance. This movie was so very annoying to experience. The constant static throughout the movie (especially in transitions) was so very unwarranted. It's something many a found footage horror movie does, but it doesn't make it any less annoying. There are examples of this working, but the vast majority of the time it makes a movie's quality plummet. The jumpscares are also a major negative for this film. Constant jumpscares from the back end of nowhere with absolutely no reason other than a quick unjustified scare. I will be the first to admit that I did jump once or twice at this movies ridiculous junpscares. But it wasn't at all a warranted reaction to being scared from horror. It's because every jumpscare in this movie is from the bottom of a feaces filled barrel. Absolutely and unequivocally dumb and honestly single-handedly ruins the movie. There are moments in the movie we're these terrible jumpscares happen 2-4 times within minutes. The horrific quality of these jumpscares are the only semblance of horror this movie has going for it.

For something that is meant to be found footage I did like the fact that the second a creepy occurrence happens they want to immediately leave and attempt to (albeit briefly). This suits the found footage genre well most of the time. But this was brief. That being said it was cut short for good reason as they had valid reason to believe it was fake.

Every death in this movie was bad and I did not care far a single character throughout the runtime of the movie. None of the acting was good for the majority of the movie. The best actor (for me) being Wes Robinson's character (Lane), but he himself was simply ok. Everyone else was just poor in my opinion.

The ending of thy is movie was poor although (like the original film) doesn't make this movie any worse as it's already bottom of the barrel. At least in this movie it's almost comically bad.

Nothing in this movie is Remotely scary (I would assume) for the average person. Maybe I'll be proven wrong however.

I do however like how this movie can pretty much be watched without watching the original first. It definitely makes this movie make a little more sense. But I don't think watching this movie without knowledge on the original will detract much (if anything) from your opinion of the movie.

Definitely do not recommend this movie as it's only scary moment is the realisation of how bad it is.

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