The Witcher: The Art of the Illusion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
The Art of Confused Writing
5 July 2023
I implore you, consider what difference it would have made by omitting the loops and just moving through the event in a normal flow of time. Not only were these loops reminiscent of the horrendously done time jumps from Season 1 but they served almost zero purpose, besides adding few a extra lines of dialogue each time.

I don't think a filler episode could've been done worse than this. All the loops, inter cut by intimate moments that themselves also make no sense, where was the time for all that intimacy based on what's happening the following day. It just makes no sense.

It's really a pity what they've done to Yenn so far this season... absolute waste of potential. At least Geralt had his moments but even then, those action scenes are just fan service, his actions also don't make sense within them, particularly when he casts Aard instead of Igni in one instance? Guess the budget just ain't there for CGI fire effects.
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