They could have done it better if:
5 July 2023
If they didn't talk a lot when fighting.

If they didn't have to explain every single magic attack when fighting.

If they didn't have to explain every character's backstory when fighting.

If every fight plots are done better, in every fight there's always, the MC friends and the MC: 1. Always meet a villain or people that are stronger than them 2. When fighting, at first they're losing, but somehow in the middle they're winning, but at the end they're lose, but after that they magically won (either by the help of the MC or another strong character and of course more backstory, talking, etc)

The NPC should just became a NPC, just focus on the MC, they told a lot about other characters and villain backstory, but they didn't tell much about the MC backstory.

And on a lot of scene they try really hard to make it a comedy, but unfortunately I don't find it funny at all, instead it's cringe.

They wasted so many minutes on the series for unimportant things, they could have done it better.
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