War of the Worlds (2019–2022)
Complicated sci-if turned revenge fantasy
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I would give this series the rating it has, a 6.5, if possible. There are a number of unanswered questions that left me wishing they spent more time on the big picture. This series wants the audience to believe that a human civilization that could figure out quantum entanglement, black holes and time travel was unable to solve a genetic anomaly plaguing their civilization? They didn't spend two seconds on this pivotal question so much of the program didn't make sense. People are famous for talking to each other but these two human civilizations took no time to discuss the situation and neither civilization had a leader who knew what was happening or why. That was the big flaw of the production but the acting, production values, writing, etc were all great. I just wish the creators had started with the ending and what would be satisfying to the audience and then back into the plot from there. It felt as though they didn't really know where to go in season 3 but pulled it out at the last minute.
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