Review of Final Call

Hijack: Final Call (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
[6.9] Theoretical Invention: a cockpit door that scorches anybody...
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A nice start of a "millennial" problem and issue, making headlines in this semi-thrilling production with very good charismatic acting by Idris Elba the main "negotiator"; All elements are yummy, even the macho mother of 2 kids, but (besides) the logic and an above-average "realism".

Impossible, is the first word that may come to mind of many. Those things, impossible in 2023! Would you say that, protocol is protocol even if her brain's splashed all over the cockpit door; I learned something else though in the process, screen both the captain and the first officer (every time) for any psychological / emotional issue, any of them could be a loose thread, you could also choose to put a third "mastodonte" in the cockpit to watch the two main birds or for them to watch him!

Trust, what a funny word... You can never be sure of anything, not as long as humans fly a plane, up until sophisticated AI take over and we'll be at last free of any human's nice or crazy interaction in any cockpit in the world.

Theoretical invention: a cockpit door that scorches anybody that tries to open it while in flight and no matter what.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 7
  • Development: 7.5
  • Realism: 6
  • Entertainment: 7.5
  • Acting: 7.5
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 7.5
  • Visual/special effects: 7.5
  • Music/score/sounds: 7.5
  • Depth: 6.5
  • Logic: 2.5
  • Flow: 7.5
  • Editing: 7.5
  • Drama/thriller: 6.5
  • Ending: 7.5.
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