Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
A morbid soap opera + Avatar
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I guess Black Mirror had to have their "avatar" moment. 🙄 Yikes, a boring, drawn out episode that is placed in an alternate 1969 universe. The episode has no reason whatsoever for the alternate universe. It's just throw it in there. The episode quickly devolves into a melodramatic love triangle. As just about every reviewer has pointed out, this could've been a lot shorter and crisper.

I also agree with other reviewers who point out the whole avatar thing is backwards. Seriously, we are expected to believe that the humans sleep most of the week on the ship while their avatars live out their life on Earth? This is only there to support the story and the "love triangle ." I ended up fast forwarding past all the "talking" just to move the story a long. I'm confident I didn't miss anything.

Other reviewer's have pointed out plenty of "technical flaws, which I won't repeat. However, it bugged me that the astronauts never speak with mission control. Apparently, the only way they can communicate with earth is through their Avatars?

Finally, the "twist" ending arrives. "Sad" astronaut, who is finally recovering from his tragedy, suddenly becomes a psychopath killer? The other astronaut returns after the sad astronaut has killed off his family and he's not in enraged? Silly. For me, a big disappointment.
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