BlackBerry (2023)
The company went down but not out
2 July 2023
Were you ignorant of the company, you'd think the end of the movie meant that Blackberry disappeared from the world. It didn't, it's producing security software more or less in-line with the fact they once had the most secure communications device extant. The movie is a bit old-school with the "The Office" use of cameras that jiggle and loose centering. The problem is that although it does a good job of showing the skeleton of what happened to the company, there is simply too much to say in the time-frame allowed. Also, silly changes to reality like them being investigated by the SEC (American) as opposed to Canadian tax officials was not needed, even to appeal to a U. S. audience. The characters in the movie are true to life, more or less as is the "Google-inspired" lazy work environment shown. The final phone shown, a full-screen model like Android and Apple phones (the Storm) was a flop probably not because of Chinese manufacturing but of a rush to market with a sub-standard product. The whole is likely no better than the parts used. I wonder if they've done a movie on Nokia like this?
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