Children of the Corn 3 = Hellraiser 3
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now before you get up in arms about that headline Children of The Corn 3 isnt as good as Hellraiser 3 im fact Children of The Corn 1 is kind of a silly premise to begin with and comes nowhere near Hellraiser. Im simply stating that the absurdity reaches that level where hellraiser is intense and hellraiser 3 is kinda silly it is similar : kind of barely cohesive plot held together by great B movie dialogue and absolutely stellar gore effects (in this case by the genius Screaming Mad George) some kids from the cult get adopted by a couple in chicago. One wants to fit in while the younger one (Eli) wants to continue to worship he who walks behind the rows. End result: its just fun why else would you watch it? If you like Brian Yuzna Flicks at all watch it. Its fun. (its not a Yuzna flick but you know what i mean hopefully)
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