Reductive and Pandering
30 June 2023
In film so often, male artists are portrayed as serious, obsessive workaholics, whereas women as artists are portrayed as ingenue and self-serving manic pixie dreamgirls. This entire film seemed to be an attempt at pandering to feminists and artists that deep down condescended to both.

The grooming played off as romance was unfortunate.

Dot is a fictionalized amalgamation of all her sisters, and as such, they could have given her any plot they wanted. The one they chose just feels overdone while not actually adding anything to the storyline. Considering one sister of the real Clarice Cliff was an art director at Wilkinson, it's disappointing what they came up with considering all they had to work with.

Felt like it was written by someone who doesn't understand or appreciate art deco.

The fact that everyone's taste in things was boiled down to "that makes you smile doesn't it" was unfortunate, reductive and rather insulting to the underlying artist. The entire plot implies that the art was only good because it appeals to the unsophisticated and uneducated. Even worse, it implies that the "unsophisticated and uneducated" are women, as a whole.
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