High Heat (2022)
Women Strong and Powerful, Men Weak and Worthless
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the perfect modern year, Oscar-winning-potential movie.

One woman, who we are told is an ex KGB agent turned chef, easily takes out EVERY, SINGLE, MAN sent to take her out ... single-handedly. I'm not talking just a few random lower tier examples of the male of the species. I am talking a local Mafioso crime family. A crime family that is portrayed as the most effeminate, weak, cowardly men I've ever seen. Every single one of them literally whimpers and cowers as they get sent in after her. At one point, our strong, independent, don't need no man woman - who weighs all of a hundred pounds soaking wet, mind you - actually holds down a muscular, hundred and eighty pound man over a deep fryer and for some reason, he can't get away from her. Totally realistic.

Oh... and that man, the only purple man in the movie? First, as he and his buddy are beaching about who goes in first, his buddy - his non-purple buddy - says to him "get your purple (fill in the blank) in there" Of course, being a modern flick, he comes back with "dude... that is ray cist." Of course, his friend - you know, the Mafioso tough guy? - immediately kowtows with "aw man... you're right. I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said that." :eye_roll:

Secondly.... that one purple guy in the movie? Yeah... our heroine lets him live. The ONLY one in the whole movie that she doesn't kill. I wonder why?

The heroines friends are a couple who have their own issues. She is, like our heroine"a strong, independent, don't need no man woman... who is married to the weakest, henpecked example of male I've seen. She talks to him like he is one of the kids. The kids are this couple of smartarsed twins who talk to the parents like a couple of spoiled brats who have never been disciplined a day in their lives.

That just covers all the modern points. It's just as bad if you overlook all of that.

Their are so many plot holes, I don't even know where to start. The girl (and her husband) are starting a high end restaurant, yet the stove is electric induction instead of natural or propane gas. I guess there MIGHT be a chef or two who uses electric, but the vast majority of professional chefs use gas.

The head of the Mafioso wants to burn the restaurant down for the insurance money because he is in debt and desperately needs it. The policy is 1.3 million. Yet, even though he is in dire need of that piddly amount (as far as most Mafioso families go), he calls up someone and tells them to send fifteen men (because his own crew has all already been taken out) and "money is no object." Really?

Every scene is a painful, long drawn out dialog that goes nowhere slowly.

I swear... I have always liked Don Johnson and Olga Kurylenko, but ... I don't know what they were thinking taking this job. Either they didn't bother to read the script before they signed the contract or they are REALLY in desperate need of cash.
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