If you've never seen a picture involving the "gag writer" . . .
23 June 2023
. . . of ROOM AND WRATH that does NOT feature anvils and over-sized fireworks rockets, consider yourself lucky. There's a saying in Tinsel Town that some would-be show horses such as Trigger or Mr. Ed are "one trick ponies." Mr. A. may have had as many as three tricks up his sleeve, but each time he churned out 30 or 40 episodes for a movie studio, his severely limited repertoire felt pretty old, blase and stale, and he was released from doing any further repetition for the disappointed employer. Historians say that when he was toiling at the animated Mecca of Termite Terrace, he habitually waited too long to make a dash for the plumbing facilities, and bowled over many coworkers during each mad rush to the floor offering relief. Whether this was just another hackneyed gag on his part no one knows for sure.
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