Superman & Lois: Injustice (2023)
Season 3, Episode 12
Jordan is not his father: He's Jon-El
22 June 2023
Seriously if Jordan Kent was real and I met him on the street, I'd walk up to him and say 'Hello Jon-el". It's the only reference he would get. But he doesn't have Jon-el's history. He didn't have an attention grabbing, only interested in your son once he has powers Kal'el for a father. He has a father who cares about him, who actually did raise him right. And somehow he's managing to push EVERYONE away while still claiming that everyone else is making everything about them. Johnathan and Sarah's self-interest is normal and realistic for thier age and actually a perfectly understandable reaction to thier unusual lives. I don't like seeing it, but it makes sense.

The reason I rate this episode as high as I do is because everything else about it is stellar. Seeing Luthor again, for the first time. Sam Lane being an involved family member who is as hurt as Clark and Lois to see Jordan becoming the attention grabber that he is. Wally West over in CW Central City was never this much of a showboat but even when he was a little bit he wised up pretty fast. And to have Jordan basically oozing disdain and callousness seems... like Jordan isn't the person on drugs to have taken the show down this particularly dark rabbit hole. I say it that way because he's giving a more convincing portrayal of being 'on drugs' than Tom Welling's Clark Kent did when he discovered Red Kryptonite. A substance that by its nature removes Kryptonian inhibitions and promotes aggressiveness.

"Mr. And Mrs. Kent are calling my house. They're really worried. It's like, they think he's on drugs or something." "Clark would have to BE on drugs to be on drugs." ...Chloe and Pete in a season 2 episode Smallville noticing Clark on Red-K. The class ring that was supposedly a ruby was a red meteor rock. It was a pretty cool way for Tom Welling to shed Clark's upstanding morality for an episode. But this is 4 episodes in a row without any apparent explanation whatsoever. It's exhausting.
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