Annoying psycho!
22 June 2023
Totally fugly psycho with an irritating voice and scruffy stubbly face. They could have picked a better looking actor in my opinion.

Anyway this is the same genre as the stalked by my doctor, stalked by my patient, and the predator series, basically the difference being in the professions of all the psychos and in this instance it happens to be a lunatic paramedic.

As usual psycho easily eliminates all the threats by killing them or injuring them in intricate ways that one would think it's a professional hitman. But no it is just an ordinary paramedic, perverting on a high school student, because she reminds him of his high school sweetheart who died in a car crash while they were on their way to the prom.

One difference with this movie is that the protagonist and her mom caught on to psycho pretty early on into the movie. I know it is in the formula of psycho predator tv movies that they have to be batsh-t crazy and really creepy and annoying, but the psycho guy in this movie topped them all. I seriously despised him: fugly, annoying voice and horrible haircut and stubbly face!

You won't miss much if you give this one a miss!
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