Review of Fishes

The Bear: Fishes (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
One of the best episodes in television history
22 June 2023

This is one case where too many cooks didnt spoil the pot, in an episode about too many cooks spoiling the pot. It's hard not to appreciate the irony.

Star after star make a cameo this episode, my favorite being Bernthal but they were all phenomenal. Well written, the music choices have been perfect all season, I'm truly impressed. I really didn't think they could top the first season but after this season it's safe to say this has firmly cemented itself as one of the best shows on TV.

If I have one complaint, they gotta relax with all the close ups. Too many close ups. I understand the intent, as we were meant to feel crampt in, just not for me. Sign of the times, I could nitpick on some other technical details but when art is this good, guess what? It hardly matters. 10 out of 10.
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