The Last Duel (2021)
What is right is right even for a knight
20 June 2023
Another reminder of Ridley Scott's genius.

And yes, some say he made some so-so movies, but didn't all great artists have their mediocre moments, only to be judged by their masterpieces? This is such a masterpiece, the gem of the art of moving pictures. From the technical point of view, impeccable - you can see it in every scene, in every, even the most miniscule detail, the director's steady hand, where no shortcuts were allowed and no small detail overlooked. Cinematography (hats down, Mr. Wolski, hats down!) editing (oh Mr. Scott, thank you for that, these are the brush strokes of Caravaggio, cadenzas of Mendelson and camera angles by Newton, Ms. Simpson, amazing job, but for you - business as usual), lighting (e.g. Never even a hint of artificial light in the medieval castle at night), music (inobtrusive, yet perfectly in sync - you'd swear after the movie finished you didn't even hear the music: well, that's the point), costumes (probably the least demanding task, but still top notch)... Everything is just the way it should and must be. Someone commented this is the Rashomon for the new generation - and indeed, Mr Scott sits proudly next to Mr Kurosawa on the throne of the kings of filmmaking.

Acting is excellent, Messrs Damon and Driver were really, really good, but kudos to Ms. Comer in particular, she's superb in this demanding role.

Finally, last but not least, the screenplay by Ms Holofcener, Messrs Damon and Affleck - this is a powerful story, the one that's never simple to tell, as many millions of women throughout the history suffered similar faith in silence. And, amazingly enough, it's a true story of a woman who refused to remain silent in the 14th century - there's no level of courage comparable to that in today's world! And the message sent is that it is NEVER right to rape or inflict violence upon women or any other defenseless human being, but also how fragile and desultory the justice is...

Thank you for this movie, Mr Scott et al.

B (He/Him)
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