20 June 2023
Heavy and infuriating documentary, but very much worth watching.

Beata fought a David vs. Goliath battle all on her own, against three deeply corrupt systems all working together: the 'healthcare' cartel, er, system, social 'services', and the judicial system. She persevered and stood stronger than the overwhelming majority of people would in such a situation. Had her husband supported and fought alongside her, instead of subduing and criticizing her valiant efforts, I do believe the outcome for this family would have been very different.

Good on Maya for surviving through the ordeals these awful systems put her through, and for calling her three-month 'hospital stay' what it was - medical captivity. She is smart to steer completely clear of the medical cabal now, and I hope viewers learn the priceless lesson that our utterly broken, incompetent, corrupt, and self-serving 'healthcare' system cannot be trusted with your health and your life.

The utter AUDACITY of Johns Hopkins to bill Maya's insurance for obscene amounts under false billing codes, on top of the terrorism they were inflicting upon this family is blood-boiling. How is no one in prison over this?!?! Oh that's right, because these systems protect their own, and each other.

The cowardly statements issued by Johns Hopkins and that horrible judge at the end are disgraceful. Zero remorse or accountability for the devastation they inflicted upon this family. And as the documentary shows, this is hardly an isolated case. Who knows how many other families have been wrecked by the trio of social 'services', 'healthcare' systems, and the judicial system when they decide to destroy parents' lives based on little or no evidence. Or simply as punishment for daring to question the all-knowing (not) megalomaniac doctors.

Infuriating. I hope the family wins huge at trial, but if there were true justice, everyone who played a part in this awful situation would be behind bars.
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