The Flash (I) (2023)
A whole lot of fun
20 June 2023
This movie starts out with a big car chase, that is a little too on the nose for me and i feared this would be one big cringe-fest, thankfully, it wasn't. The main man himself goes back in time to save his Mother from death, but as time travel usually does, it goes horribly wrong and he finds himself in a worse position than when he started.

There's plenty of humour, but it's not over-used (unlike Thor; Love and Thunder) and it's mixed in with a decent storyline that's not too contrived for superhero newbies either. There is a massive hole in the story when it comes down to who killed his Mother and why, so don't expect any awards for writing, but where this movie shines is in it's visual effects, which are literally stunning and must be seen on the big screen for full effect.

Sure this isn't Oscar territory or anything groundbreaking plot wise, but it's a whole heap of fun and that's what superhero movies are meant to be, so if you want to see 1 superhero movie this year, make it the new Spiderman, but if you want to see 2, this is a must-see.
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