Green Acres meets Hipee fantasy land!
19 June 2023
Ok I saw this advertised on Hulu and thought oh wow this might be a good program about rich banker becoming a farmer (loved "Green Acres" when I was a kid Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor). First thing you have an ultra rich guy who apparently had wealthy parents and family who in turn owned a great deal of land (that's what's suggested in the beginning) then you throw in a bunch of free help to farm this rich guys land. Of particular interest should be the couple who traveled all the way to Germany to learn farming from a guy who is familiar with the "theory" of farming. Let's not even discuss the fact that he is coming from a part of the world where you can literally plant rocks and they will grow. The Incas invented complex agriculture more than 600 years ago (my father is from Peru) of course you could just fly from the United States and learn farming from people who have been farming for generations. This is just complete garbage! Glad I only watched the one episode. Oh, please understand I am sure there are some nice people in this program. And I'm sure they are all LGBTQ...etc friendly (which is not sustainable in itself...two bulls trying join) I noticed that there was a lot of "partners" which only tells me the level of commitment these people have to life.
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