Though some haphazard, lackadaisical lazy sites . . .
19 June 2023
. . . state that A HAUNTING WE WILL GO (1939) lasts 10 minutes, every version on the world wide web is listed as being about 7 minutes, 22 seconds long. I just timed it on Disc One of the Woody Woodpecker & Friends Cartoon Collection Volume 2, and it clocks in at exactly 7:22.50. Unfortunately, this is not the only fly in this picture's ointment. From Quasimodo ringing the big bell to scare the minority population of Paris to Dracula siphoning only the darkest berries, Universal's House of Horror is infamous for its racial insensitivity. As late as the 1950's, Universal churned out a series of flicks about THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON! How's that for rocking America's many-hued boat?
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