Absolute garbage
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin?

Are british movie makers really this stupid? This is several notches below your typical syfy b-grade movie.

Characters n dialogues dont make any sense. 12 people holed up in a bunker for protection against dinos have no sense of danger or developed any precautionary steps or protocols. Always leave doors open. The 2 Army people know 0 tactics. Take pistols to a dino fight instead of a perfectly good rifle (more on this later.) The food is supposedly running out in the bunker while male characters are buff as if on a 5000-calorie diet. Over-entitled n useless female characters are always dolled up with make-up n eyelashes while being away from civilization for 2 years. The pregnant lady was the most annoying character I have ever seen in cinema, thinking the world revolves around her.

The movie treats the audience as if 5 year old n insults their intelligence. For example: The only good rifle in the bunker is shown to be just laying randomly next to a bed in sick bay so that pregnant girl uses it to shoot up a dino. Y would u leave a fully loaded rifle (with magazine in) n chambered with safety off (hot condition) pointed at the patient bed? Serious safety violation. Lol. Especially when this is the only rifle u have in the bunker.

Another example: When these people venture out from the bunker n meet another group of survivors in a house, instead of exchanging imp info about dinos, they engage in useless banter n moralizing. A teen orders around 2 people holding firearms with a baseball bat. That is not how the real world works. The one holding the gun makes the rules. Always.

If there ever was a movie that teaches you how to make dumb n unlikable characters, this is it. Was rooting for all of them to die.

Only good thing: If u r looking for a few intense but unintelligent scenes that rip off of jurassic park, this movie has them. Premise of the storyline is good but aweful execution. Would have liked more logic and realism in this movie. Serious waste of my time. 2/10.
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