Simple, yet very beautiful
16 June 2023
The movie is about Chihiro, who lives a simple life, and doesn't care what other people think. She spreads a lot of love to other 'outcasts', while feeling lonely herself. She is a natural talent at making friends, yet she feels like she doesn't know anyone who she has a really deep connection with.

The story purely on itself wasn't really that special because the movie rather focusses on the relationships between the characters.

I love how Chihiro was portrayed: living life free, enjoying the moment, and just taking it easy. During the movie you see her make friendships with multiple people. Personally I'd say that some of these interactions where a little bit extreme, like practically taking a bath with a random homeless guy she just met.

These friendships are for me the main focus of the movie: I think in the western world a lot can be learnt from the way Chihiro helps total strangers in need.

The analogy with everyone coming from another planet was spot on in my opinion. This really hit close to home, as I've felt my entire life like I have never met anyone 'from the same planet'.

I would have liked a stronger focus on the loneliness that Chihiro felt herself. Personally it took me a while to notice that she did in fact suffer from loneliness, as she looked pretty content most of the time.

Also I would have loved to get a little bit more backstory about Chihiro. I think it could have fit well in the movie to know more about the person that Chihiro was in her previous life, and thereby adding some extra development to her character. There were some short references to her past, some flash backs even, but they were really kept to a minimum and were all very short. This left me longing for more!

Overall I would definitely recommend this movie if you are willing to invest the time, and don't mind the slow paced story.

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