Homeland: Rebel Rebel (2018)
Season 7, Episode 2
This is dumbest one of all
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Homeland has been spiraling down the drain for a long time, but this was the most inane of all. As the country is headed for civil war, the president decides that the number one priority is to locate and capture a wacko TV radical, using her new national security advisor fresh out of federal prison. Well, to even out this "suspense" the show takes us to Carrie, CIA genius that she is, who illogically gets her computer hacked with ransomware while spying on the president's number one lackey. To make matters worse, she then proceeds to seduce the ransomer with her womanly guile. By this time we are all laughing uncontrollably as Carrie beats the crap out of the creep and gets her computer unlocked. The only saving grace in all this is that Claire Danes is professional enough to sell it. Can't wait for the next thrilling episode of Gilligan's Island.
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