Doctor Who: Aliens of London (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
Do You Mind Not Farting While I'm Saving the World?
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is another interesting episode. It's the first two parter of the modern series and has a pretty decent first cliffhanger. Let's get into it. We're going to go over what I disliked first.

What I Disliked:

*Farting Aliens- Why is it farting aliens. Much of this story does take itself seriously except for the fact that the monsters are farting aliens. The Slitheen in general are just weird looking monsters, but maybe that's the point. But the farting, are you kidding. I personally prefer seriousness with these stories.

*Harriet Jones- The next episode uses her character much better but she's just an idiot in this episode. She wants to talk about Cottage Hospitals after an alien spaceship crashes into Big Ben. There had to be a better way to write her character and keep her in Downing Street until the Doctor and Rose arrive.

*Time Jump- The time jump to 2005 to 2006 is kinda dumb. First off, Rose did call Jackie in "The End of the World" which is never talked about. And then the whole time jump event is never mentioned again. What is the point of this? It screws up the entire Doctor Who timeline, making it confusing. It never really becomes fixed until "The Big Bang."

What I Liked:

*Perspective- I like how we see the events of the crash from the Doctor's perspective and how he's in the background until the end of the episode. He has to watch the news and is blocked by a crowd of pedestrians and such so he can't reach the river. Using news reports also helps worldbuilding and realism, something I always appreciate in this show.

*The Crash- It crashes into Big Ben, it looks awesome, even for 2005.

*The Mystery- I like how this episode creates its own mystery over the crash. We see a body being pulled out of the river and the Doctor discovers the pilot of the ship was a pig, creating a mystery. He solves it at the end of the episode that the ship was a diversion as the aliens take over the government. The Prime Minister being killed makes this plot very intense but the aliens farting all the time does take away from the tension.

In conclusion, this episode would be a lot better if the aliens/monsters weren't farting all the time, or Slitheen. Let's move forward!
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