Matlock: The Diner (1993)
Season 8, Episode 4
Love Charlie Matlock. Young Ben Matlock was great too. Touching ending. This is a special one. One of my favorites.
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An old friend, Martha Jordan, calls Ben to come and meet her. He hasn't seen her in 30 years. He brings an old car and meets up with Leanne there because he wants her to meet his old friend. He then begins to tell her the story of his first client, Cyrus Jordan. Later they are joined by Martha and the story continues. This is a flashback episode of Charlie Matlock and young Ben Matlock.

It's the 1960s in the south and racism and segregation are still rampant. Some things never change, eh? At least the racism part among a few.

I love how Charlie took up for Cyrus when he was accused of murder. We find out Ben started off as a prosecutor, but wasn't happy with it and decided to switch to private practice and defend clients. Charlie has a certain wisdom. I love the way he brought up burning crosses to those racist scum at the diner. I've often wondered why too, they take a sacred symbol of Christianity and use it for hate. I have my thoughts on that and how slavery in America was directly tied to certain things, but I won't go into it here. But I really appreciate Charlie bringing it up here.

Young Ben was great. The actor did a pretty good job as Ben. Capturing some of his personality and mannerisms. Including how he hates to lose at gin. Lol

The whole story was good. It was great to find out more about Charlie and young Ben. Charlie is sweet. Love that guy. I found the ending touching. I don't know why. There was just something about Martha in present times telling Ben about how life got better after Ben got her husband off, sharing what her children did, and telling Ben the reason she wanted to meet him, Cyrus had passed away. And she wanted Ben to know how much it meant to her and Cyrus what Charlie and Ben did. She tells Leanne what good men they are. Ben shows Martha the old car. Which was an old car that no longer worked that Charlie bought from Cyrus. Cyrus was too proud to accept bail being paid by Ben/Charlie. So Charlie offered to buy the car. Later he fixed up the car.

I found this episode to be a very special one. It's one of my favorites. If this aired today, the right-wing bigots would be calling it woke. Kindness, compassion, empathy, and the helpers are what they are against. Poor Ben and Charlie, and Andy Griffith himself never got to see the end of racism in America in their lifetimes. And I probably won't either. But I really appreciate this episode. 10/10.
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