As Inexperienced as a New-Born Babe
13 June 2023
This film has some of the most amateurish and inexperienced, if not incompetent, direction and writing I have seen in a long time.

In fact, it is difficult to mention some redeeming qualities this film might have to offer for those who have mercifully not watched it yet. However, I did laugh a couple of times but the writing is so awful it makes you feel as if the whole experience is a waste of time. And that is the film's biggest flaw besides the inexperienced direction, the uninspired writing. With a little more thought and better writing, this film could have been way better so it is a shame that the film-makers proceeded anyways with what they had.

The dramatic moments are somewhat better bot overall it feels like a missed opportunity. Should only be watched by fans of African-American comedies and acting.
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