Der Schatten (2023)
Disappointing adaption.
12 June 2023
While I liked the novel this series is based on I can't say the same about it's adaption. Almost all of the changes where the story derives from its original make me wonder if the writers even read the source material.

The whole time the series fails to build a believable protagonist and none of the surrounding characters behave like actual human beings.

I could not invest myself at all and wanted to just skip to the last episode as there was no real suspense at all and plotholes became difficult to ignore.

Most side storylines were very unnecessary, didn't really move the plot forward or were frankly just annoying (coworker).

The only positives are the camera work and the lead actress performance.

The whole thing focuses way too much on trying to be artsy and hip instead of (re)telling a meaningful story.

At the end I was left very disappointed by this and do not recommend it.
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