Motherland: Mother's Day (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Mother's Day from a different view point.
11 June 2023
Mother's day is quickly approaching, Julia is approaching it with a degree of caution and dread, Meg however is treated like a Princess, even getting a box of Hotel Chocolat.

Not a bad episode, a couple of funny moments, the shining moment of course had to be Amanda's mother's day luncheon, the magical Joanna Lumley, who once again sides with dear, poor Johnny. You understand more and more why Amanda is the way she is.

Julia's quick improvisation at The School Gate was funny, Where's Wally, classic.

The porridge scene as funny, and how true to life is that, we have a relative that will say that, don't make anything with milk, but black tea not an option, humour that's well observed.

Not a classic, but fun.

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