Is negligence an accident?
11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think just because you didn't MEAN to do something still makes you culpable and responsible.

And negligence leading to the death of a child should always lead to legal consequences.

Double standards.

How many car accidents weren't on purpose, yet if someone dies and you didn't see the other coming or didn't see the traffic sign, you of course get punished. Your fault.

Your actions caused the death of another.

Own it. Pay your dues. Carry that burden, yes, the legal on top of the personal.

When I saw the mother in army fatigues I was thinking 'Oh, the army takes convicts now? News to me.'

Foolish me, thinking you get an automatic conviction for negligent manslaughter or whatever it would be called.

Not necessarily jailtime, but a sentence, a huge fine and more than 200 hours community service.

Privilege of church goers?

Do cars have automatic warnings for a closed seatbelt when you lock it? Should they have?

I dunno. I thought it was off.

Everybody seemed numb and detached. And selfish. Like their pain was special or something.

The one day care worker even called (which should be normal procedure if a child does not come in. It is where I live. You either cancel or you get a phonecall).
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