Attempting to make an important message doesn't mean you've made a great film
10 June 2023
Definitely one of the worst films I've ever seen. The film makers SEEM to be exposing the dark side of the American dream by highlighting the shallow sex/drugs/rock & roll underbelly of American youth. But at the same time, grossly exploit their subject matter to show sex/drugs/rock & roll. Hypocritical junk that feels like it came from the mind of a 14 year old who's parent don't give a crap. As for the basics, it's 90% music video with 10% plot. One of the most depressing movies I've ever watched. James Franco IS good playing his sleaze ball freak of a character I'll give him that. Of course the marketing dept sold the movie as this kind of Spring Break comedy. Unbelievable. They should be sued for false advertising by some consumer protection agency. And what's really sick is that the marketing for this movie definitely lured teenagers in. Which is what it is. Hopefully any teenager who did see this movie was disgusted and repulsed which is SOMETHING I suppose. From just a typical, movie going experience though, the movie is God awful. As a reviewers have commented, it's MOSTLY images flashing by with "music" (I use the term loosely) playing. The thrill of seeing some nubile young ladies quickly disappears in this movie and we're left for the most part watching people in their late teens early twenties getting drunk/stoned and acting gross, but again, in music video format. Now this MIGHT be titillating for the normal length of a music video...but when this comprises most of the movie...then its absurd and unless you're a 14 year old sneaking in to watch this piece of junk, your average grown up is going to say: TURN IT OFF...Put on something, ANYTHING else! But again, James Franco was very good as the sleaze ball.
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