John Dehner, Martin Landau steal the (very big, long) show.
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Denver's in trouble. A hard winter threatens and the city is nearly out of whisky. Thanks to a seer named Oracle (Donald Pleasance), they order 40 wagons of whisky, with a reliable shipping company (Brian Keith's) delivering it. To make sure they get it, they enlist the aid of the US cavalry (led by Burt Lancaster, Jim Hutton and John Anderson), supported by a citizen's militia (headed by Dub Taylor). But a host of women with a fiesty temperance leader (Lee Remick) means to stop it. And a tribe of Indians intends to intercept it. Very complex.

Big 1960s comedies have their fans and I'm one of them. But big comedies are difficult as people can only laugh so long. Fortunately, this movie is droll rather than belly-laugh funny. In fact, it's so subtle it might be taken for a serious western (it reminds me of a friend who took a date to "Dr. Strangelove." Coming out she said, "I though it was supposed to be a comedy.")

Apart from the amazing top cast, don't miss John Dehner's hilarious narration or Noam Pitlik's clueless interpreter. Or the running (silent) commentary carried on by Martin Landau as the Indian Walks-Bent-Over, who can't believe his (blue) eyes. Landau has few lines but he steals every scene he's in.

(Spoiler) Some western tropes are turned on their heads. For instance, the Indians circle their wagons while the cavalry rides around them on horseback, screeching up a storm.

The greatest thing about this movie is the cinematography. It's as good as any western ever made and some of the long shots are amazing. It's worth seeing for the beauty alone.

Unfortunately, some of the parts (the sandstorm, for instance; or swapping the wagons) go on too long. But other scenes, like the Peace Conference, are amazing simply from the amount of collected talent involved. Lancaster, Remick and some of the others seem odd choices for such a comedy, but they're all amusing and strong enough to hold this huge movie together.

Also good is the delicious, driving but tongue-in-cheek score. Kudos.
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