[3.6] Sometimes ice is good
3 June 2023
A complete nothingness of a movie with nothing to root for, nothing to remember besides very dark screen at night and bright one at day with sad, sad, sad faces. It's not even depressing, it's a compote of psychology, girls in their twenties who look like thirties and so much slow-paced edited cuts that after a while you just see the colors of the photographies, their clothes, furnitures, asphalt and trees.

Glad that it wasn't made as a mini series.

  • Screenplay/story: 3
  • Development: 6
  • Realism: 4.5
  • Entertainment: 2
  • Acting: 4
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 4.5
  • Visual/special effects: 4
  • Music/score: 5.5
  • Depth: 5
  • Logic: 4
  • Flow: 1.5
  • Drama: 2
  • Ending: 1.
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